1. Individuals
  2. Online Services Overview
  3. Personal Income Tax Forms

Personal Income Tax Forms

Everyone who is required to file a New Mexico personal income tax return must complete and file a form PIT-1, New Mexico Personal Income Tax Return.

Depending upon your residency status and your own personal situation, you may need other forms and schedules. For more information see our Forms & Publications page or the forms and instructions provided in the Browse or Search Forms section below.

You May File Online

The Department encourages all taxpayers to file electronically; it’s fast and secure. There are three ways to file: (1) using our website, at no cost, (2) purchasing software to prepare your taxes or (3) using a tax professional to file electronically.

You May Mail a Paper Return

​Directions to print forms:

1. Click on the folders below to find forms and instructions. You can also search for a file. If you click on a folder and run a search, it will only search that folder.

2. Click a form to print it.

Note: Your browser may ask you to allow pop-ups from this website. Allow the pop-ups and double-click the form again. For the best user experience on this website, you should update your browser (Internet ExplorerChromeFirefox or Safari).

Mac Users: Safari may block pop ups on default. You can go to your Safari menu, preferences and then security to allow pop-ups.

You can also find printed forms:

  • At your local District Office. See the CONTACT US link at the top of this page.
  • At your local library. Over 100 libraries across the state have ordered supplies of personal income tax forms to make available to the public, or
  • You can call 1-866-285-2996 to order forms to be mailed.

Browse or Search Forms