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Weight Distance Tax

The registrants, owners and operators of most motor vehicles having a declared gross weight or gross vehicle weight over 26,000 pounds and who are using highways in New Mexico are subject to the weight distance tax (WDT) for use of the highways. They must file and pay the tax, Section 7-15A-3 NMSA 1978.

Weight distance tax is due by April 30 for the quarter January 1 through March 31; July 31 for the quarter April 1 through June 30; October 31 for the quarter July 1 through September 30, and January 31 for the period October 1 through December 31 each year. Certain taxpayers may elect to pay the tax on an annual basis. You can file weight distance tax returns electronically. Even if a carrier has not traveled through New Mexico, the carrier must file a return. According to NMAC, if a return is due after August 1, 2010, and you must pay taxes for two or more trucks, you must file the returns and reports for weight distance tax electronically using approved electronic media on or before the due date.

You must submit confirmation of electronic filing of a return with the payment of your taxes. If you do not have confirmation of electronic filing when you submit payment to us, then include your tax identification number with the payment. Payments without confirmation or tax identification number may not be properly applied to your account, and interest and penalty may be assessed. Once you are required to file returns electronically, you may not file future returns by mail or any method other than electronically. For additional information, see Regulation 3.1.4 NMAC.

Companies must register and apply each year for a New Mexico Weight Distance Tax Electronic Permit for each vehicle. Register here.

We transfer all receipts to the State Road Fund, Section 7-1-6.10 NMSA 1978 except for the administrative fee, which we deposit in the Weight Distance Tax Permit Administration Fund.

Contact Information

New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 5188
Santa Fe, NM 87504-5188
For assistance, call (505) 827-0392


Manage your account onlineMotor Vehicle Division

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