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  2. Other / All NM Taxes

Other / All NM Taxes

Please find the Tax Section that applies to you below.

911 Emergency Surcharge

The 911 Emergency Services (E-911) Surcharge at a rate of $.51 is payable by all telecommunication companies who provide wire access or wireless lines capable of originating a 911 call. The surcharge is intended to produce an amount necessary to meet annual debt...

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Alternative Fuel Tax

New Mexico imposes an alternative fuel tax on distributors of alternative fuel. Alternative fuel is defined as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) or a water-phased hydrocarbon fuel emulsion (for example, A55) for...

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Bingo and Raffle Tax

Section 60-2F-21 NMSA 1978 of, the New Mexico Bingo and Raffle Act, (effective July 1, 2009) imposes a bingo and raffle tax. If the tax applies to you, the information below may be helpful. For tax periods beginning on or after July 1, 2009, use form RPD-41345, New...

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Cannabis Excise Tax

Businesses subject to the Cannabis Excise Tax are those that have retail sales of adult-use cannabis. Those businesses also must register to pay GRT on their sales. Businesses already registered for GRT may use their existing accounts to pay GRT on adult-use cannabis...

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Cigarette Tax

The State imposes an excise tax for the privilege of selling, giving or consuming cigarettes in New Mexico (Section 7-12-3 NMSA 1978).  Certain exemptions and deductions apply. A New Mexico cigarette stamp affixed to the package is evidence that the distributor,...

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Compensating Tax

Compensating tax (Section 7-9-7 NMSA 1978) is an excise tax imposed on persons using property or services in New Mexico. This tax is also called “use tax,” or “buyer pays.” Compensating tax helps to protect New Mexico businesses from unfair competition from...

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Conservation Tax

Owners of coal, uranium or geothermal energy in New Mexico are subject to the conservation tax established by Section 7-30 NMSA 1978. The taxable value of coal is determined under Section 7-25-3 NMSA after royalties paid or due to any Indian tribe, Indian pueblo, or...

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Copper Ad Valorem Tax

New Mexico levies an ad valorem tax upon the owner of each copper mineral property that is not subject to valuation and taxation under the Property Tax Code (Section 7-39-8 NMSA 1978) In general, the tax is imposed instead of property taxes on active copper production...

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Corporate Income and Franchise Tax

A corporation that generates income from activities or sources in New Mexico and must file a federal corporation income tax return or an equivalent return is subject to New Mexico Corporate Income Tax. Such corporations must file a New Mexico form CIT-1, Corporate...

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Estate Tax

Residents and nonresidents of New Mexico are subject to the Estate Tax Act, Section 7-7-1 et seq. NMSA 1978. If there is a federal requirement to file a federal estate tax return, the estate’s personal representative must file a return with the Taxation and Revenue...

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Fiduciary Income Tax for Trusts and Estates

Generally, a fiduciary must file an income tax return if it is a resident trust or estate that generates income, or a non-resident trust or estate that generates income from New Mexico sources. Every fiduciary who must file a federal Fiduciary Income Tax Return...

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Gaming Taxes

For the privilege of engaging in gaming activities in New Mexico the state imposes an excise tax known as the gaming tax. Gaming tax at 10% applies to the gross receipts of gaming device manufacturers and distributors from the sale, lease or transfer of gaming devices...

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Gasoline Tax

The gasoline tax is an excise tax imposed on distributors of gasoline for the privilege of receiving gasoline in New Mexico. The gasoline tax rate is $0.17 per gallon and is reported monthly by the 25th day of the month following the month in which gasoline is...

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Governmental Gross Receipts Tax

The state imposes a governmental gross receipts tax of 5.00% on the receipts of New Mexico state and local governments. The exceptions are the gross receipts of public school districts and entities licensed by the Department of Health that are principally engaged in...

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Gross Receipts Tax

Gross receipts are the total amount of money or value of other consideration received from: Selling property in New Mexico; Leasing or licensing property employed in New Mexico; Granting a right to use a franchise employed in New Mexico; Performing services in New...

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Insurance Premium Tax Program

Insurance Premium Tax Calendar year 2020 rollout The Taxation and Revenue Department will transition these tax programs into our GenTax system for all returns starting with calendar year 2020 forward. Returns and payments will be made in our Taxpayer Access Point...

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Interstate Telecommunications Gross Receipts Tax

The Interstate Telecommunications Gross Receipts Tax (ITGRT) applies to interstate telecommunications gross receipts of any person engaging in interstate telecommunications business in New Mexico (Section 7-9C-3 NMSA 1978). Interstate telecommunications gross receipts...

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Leased Vehicle Gross Receipts Tax

The leased vehicle gross receipts tax applies to persons engaging in business who have receipts from the short-term leasing of vehicles (Section 7-14A-3 NMSA 1978): The lease is for a term of six months or less; The vehicle is part of a fleet of five or more leased...

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Leased Vehicle Surcharge

New Mexico imposes a leased vehicle surcharge on the lease of a vehicle to another person by a person engaging in business in New Mexico when the lease is subject to the leased vehicle gross receipts tax (Section 7-14A-3.1 NMSA 1978). The surcharge is $2.00 for each...

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Liquor Excise Tax

New Mexico imposes a liquor excise tax on wholesalers who sell alcoholic beverages. The rate of tax varies according to the type of alcoholic beverage sold as detailed below: spirituous liquors - $1.60 per liter; beer (except as provided in 5) below) - $.41 per...

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Local Liquor Excise Tax

The local liquor excise tax is imposed on retailers who sell alcoholic beverages or possess them for sale in a New Mexico county or municipality that elects to impose the tax. Currently, McKinley County is the only county in New Mexico that has elected to impose the...

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Motor Vehicle Excise Tax

Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (MVET) The Motor Vehicle Excise Tax applies to the sale of every motor vehicle that must be registered in the State of New Mexico. We presume that every time a vehicle is titled, a sale has occurred and the motor vehicle excise tax is due. The...

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Municipal Event Center Surcharge

If a municipal event center is located within a specific municipality, the municipality may establish an event center surcharge by ordinance. The surcharge should not be less than five percent of each vendor contract entered into by that municipality. If the...

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Natural Gas Processors Tax

The natural gas processors tax is levied on processors for the privilege of operating a natural gas processing plant in New Mexico. It is measured at the plant’s inlet by the heating content of natural gas in million British thermal units (mmbtu). Deductions are...

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Oil & Gas Production Taxes

There are five taxes that are imposed based on the taxable value of oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, helium and other non-hydrocarbon gases (“products”) severed in New Mexico. In addition, the oil and gas conservation tax applies to uranium, coal...

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Oil and Gas Proceeds Withholding Tax

Anyone who makes payments of amounts derived from oil and gas production from a well located in New Mexico (remitter) to a nonresident (remittee) of New Mexico must withhold tax from those payments. There are exceptions and adjustments to the requirement to withhold...

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Personal Income Tax

New Mexico imposes a tax on the net income of every resident and on the net income of every nonresident employed or engaged in business in, into or from this state or deriving any income from any property or employment within this state. If you are a New Mexico...

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Petroleum Products Loading Fee

The petroleum products loading fee (Section 7-13A-1 NMSA 1978) applies to the privilege of loading gasoline or special fuel from a rack at a refinery or a pipeline terminal in the state into a cargo tank, or for importing gasoline or special fuel for resale or...

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Property Tax

The Property Tax Division (PTD) helps local governments in the administration and collection of ad valorem taxes in the State of New Mexico. Property taxes contribute a large portion of revenue to New Mexico’s local governments and schools annually. Three bureaus make...

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Railroad Car Company Tax

The State imposes the Railroad Car Company Tax on the gross earnings of an organization as defined in Section 7-11-2C NMSA 1978 from the use or operation of railway cars within the state.  “Organization” excludes a railroad company operating its own or leased lines....

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Resources Excise Tax

The Resources Excise Tax Act consists of three taxes on activities related to natural resources in New Mexico. Natural resources include timber and mineral products but do not include oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, helium or non-hydrocarbon...

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Severance Tax

New Mexico imposes a severance tax on the privilege of severing natural resources. "Natural resources" is defined as "timber and any metalliferous or nonmetalliferous mineral product, combination or compound thereof but does not include oil, natural gas, liquid...

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Telecommunication Relay Service Surcharge

Every telecommunications company, including mobile telecommunications (cellular service) companies, providing intrastate telephone services (ITS) within New Mexico must charge, collect, and remit the telecommunications relay service surcharge (TRS) to the Taxation and...

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Tobacco Products Tax

New Mexico imposes the tobacco products tax (TPT) for the manufacture or acquisition of tobacco products in New Mexico that are intended for distribution in the ordinary course of business and for the consumption of tobacco products in New Mexico. A tobacco product is...

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Trip Tax

Certain commercial vehicles not registered or licensed in New Mexico that are transporting passengers for hire or property for hire or resale are required to pay a trip tax, in lieu of registration or use fees, for the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the...

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Wage Withholding Tax

Employers must withhold a part of the employee’s wages for payment of income tax. New Mexico bases its withholding tax on an estimate of an employee’s State income tax liability. The State credits taxes withheld against the employee's actual income tax liability on...

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Water Conservation Fee

Every person who operates a public water supply system must pay a water conservation fee. The fee equals three cents ($0.03) per thousand gallons of water produced. It also applies to water that a public water supply system acquires from a person who is not a public...

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Weight Distance Tax

The registrants, owners and operators of most motor vehicles having a declared gross weight or gross vehicle weight over 26,000 pounds and who are using highways in New Mexico are subject to the weight distance tax (WDT) for use of the highways. They must file and pay...

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Workers Compensation Fee

Every employer who elects or is required to be covered by the Workers' Compensation Act, and every employee covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act, is assessed a fee for funding the administration of the Workers’ Compensation Administration (Section 52-5-19 NMSA...

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