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- Gross Receipts Tax Rates
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Gross Receipts Tax Rates
Gross Receipts Location Code and Tax Rate Map
GIS Data Disclaimer applies:
Please read at https://www.tax.newmexico.gov/all-nm-taxes/businesses/data-download/
Please consult local authorities where appropriate to confirm GRT location codes and tax rates.
Map Navigation and Use
*Note: When launching this map, the basemap (background) will appear first. The gross receipts map layer will appear after “zooming in” slightly.
Zoom in and out
Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons in the upper left corner of the map.
Or, scroll (roller wheel) function of mouse
Phone, tablet, portable device
Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons in the upper left corner of the map.
“Pinch” in or out
Pan east, west, north, south
Click, hold, and drag any direction
Phone, tablet, portable device
Tap, hold, and drag any direction
Identify “Location Code” and GRT rate
Navigate to the area of interest by pan, zoom, or address search
Single click within the area of interest to open the data view window.
Phone, tablet, portable device
Single “tap” within the area of interest to open the data view window.
Address search
*Caution* The address locator in this web mapping application is not a TRD data service and the results are not derived from TRD data products. The address locator is included to assist in browsing to a general location. Identify the appropriate GRT Location Code and tax rate by clicking on the map at the location of interest.
TRD GIS Data Disclaimer applies: https://www.tax.newmexico.gov/all-nm-taxes/businesses/data-download/
Click or tap cursor into the Search box in the upper right corner of map window.
Type the address for location of interest; valid matches will automatically appear below.
Click or tap the address that matches or click/tap the Search “magnifying glass” button.