05/12/2005 05-10 In 2000, DePuy, Inc., filed a New Mexico corporate income tax return for 1999 on a unitary domestic combined basis, as it had in previous years. The return requested a refund of nearly $80,000. In 1998, Johnson and Johnson, Inc., acquired DePuy....
Tax Decisions & Orders
Derek V. Larson
04/29/2005 05-09 The taxpayer, a New Mexico resident, made out-of-state purchases of a car and a travel trailer and brought both back to be titled and registered in New Mexico. At the time of titling and registration, the taxpayer paid New Mexico motor vehicle excise...
Navajo Refining Company
04/25/2005 05-08 In May 2004, the Taxpayer protested the 2004 Notice of Valuation issued by the Department’s Property Tax Division (PTD), asserting that PTD’s disallowance of the Taxpayer’s deduction for functional and economic obsolescence was arbitrary and...
Floyd E. Carroll
04/08/2005 05-07 In June 2004, the Department assessed the taxpayer for gross receipts, compensating, and withholding taxes, plus penalty and interest. The taxpayer protested the assessment. The taxpayer sought to have the Hearing Officer dismiss his protest, with...
Century Glass, Inc.
04/06/2005 05-06 At the time the Department began a field audit of the taxpayer in July 2001, the auditor delivered a notice giving the taxpayer 60 days to obtain possession of any nontaxable transaction certificates (NTTCs) needed to supports its deductions. The...
Donna C. Marchak
04/04/2005 05-05 The taxpayer claimed an extra exemption on her 1999 New Mexico personal income tax return, resulting in her receipt of an erroneous refund in the amount of $170. In 2003, based on information received from the Internal Revenue Service, the...
Marilyn Stock
03/14/2005 05-04 The taxpayer erroneously claimed a $2,000 deduction on her 1999 New Mexico personal income tax return. The Department disallowed the deduction and assessed the taxpayer for $144.50 of additional tax, plus interest and penalty. The taxpayer has no...
Gene and Gail Mortensen
03/07/2005 05-03 On April 15, 1999, the taxpayers mailed a check to the Department to cover their estimated 1998 New Mexico income tax liability. The Department failed to credit the check to the taxpayers’ account. The taxpayers did not file their 1998 New Mexico...
Fred Schonfeld
01/12/2005 05-02 In October 1997, the taxpayer filed his 1996 New Mexico personal income tax return showing a refund due of $258. The refund was based, in part, on an estimated payment the taxpayer had made in April 1997. Because the taxpayer did not write his...
Mary Ann Mendonca
01/06/2005 05-01 The taxpayer filed a timely 1999 New Mexico personal income tax return showing $61.00 in tax due, and included a check in that amount. In reviewing the return, the Department incorrectly concluded that the taxpayer was entitled to an additional...