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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are negative numbers not allowed on the return?

Liquor Excise Tax, Local Liquor Excise Tax To correctly complete Form RPD-41129, Liquor Excise Tax Return, do not report negative amounts on either the form or on its schedules. A common reason for reporting negative numbers is entering incorrectly the number of...

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How do I change my registration information?

To change registration information for: Cigarette TaxGaming TaxLiquor Excise TaxLocal Liquor Excise TaxTelecommunications Relay Service SurchargeWater Conservation FeeUse Form ACD-31015 Business Tax Registration to make changes and submit to the following address:...

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If I overpay, how do I obtain a refund?

Local Liquor Excise Tax Complete a corrected Form RPD-41277, Local Liquor Excise Tax Return and Form RPD-41071, Application for Tax Refund . If alcoholic beverages for which the local liquor excise tax was paid in a prior period were destroyed in shipment, spoiled, or...

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What is the valuation basis of my residential assessment?

If you bought your land in the prior year, or the property changed classification (from residential to non-residential use, for instance), or you made an improvement to the structure, then your assessment is limited to an increase of 1.03% or 1.061%, depending on the...

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