Use Form RPD-41116, Telecommunications Relay Service Surcharge Return
What does the term “exercising a corporate franchise” in New Mexico mean?
A corporation exercises its corporate franchise when it seeks to be treated or acts as a legal entity or person subject to the jurisdiction of and privileges provided by state law. Another term for a "corporate franchise" is a "corporate charter."
What is an agent for the collection of compensating tax, and what is required?
If the taxpayer has nexus with New Mexico, but the sales transaction is not subject to gross receipts tax, the taxpayer may be obligated to act as an agent for the collection of compensating tax. By New Mexico law, Section 7-9-10 NMSA 1978 the taxpayer is required to...
What types of documentation are required to support a deduction from gross receipts tax?
The nontaxable transaction certificate (NTTC) is the only acceptable proof of certain deductions. The buyer obtains an NTTC from TRD to give to a seller. The seller then may deduct those receipts when determining taxable gross receipts. In practice, this means the...
Can I request NTTC’s Online?
Yes. As a registered New Mexico gross receipts taxpayer, you can obtain, execute and record the use of NTTCs through Taxpayer Access Point. To contact persons who can assist you with this online program, please click the Contact Us button. You may use NTTC-NET to make...
How do I deliver an NTTC to a vendor?
Complete an NTTC form by entering the required information about the vendor to whom the NTTC is to be delivered. An NTTC may not be executed by anyone other than the person to whom TRD has issued it. You may complete an NTTC either online or by means of a paper NTTC...
Can I make photocopies of my NTTC’s?
An NTTC may be copied only: By TRD or, on TRD’s request, by the person to whom the NTTC has been issued or to the seller or lessor who has accepted the NTTC for audit, tax compliance or tax administration purposes;By the person to whom TRD has issued the NTTC for...
In general, who is responsible for paying the Tobacco Products Tax?
The “first purchaser” of tobacco products in New Mexico is responsible.
Who is considered a “first purchaser”?
A “first purchaser” is a person engaging in business in New Mexico who manufactures tobacco products or who purchases tobacco products for resale.
What are considered tobacco products?
Any products, other than cigarettes, made from or containing tobacco are considered tobacco products.