Oil & Gas Production Taxes The tax credit applies only to “qualifying wells.” It is calculated each month by product and production unit at 75% of the lesser of: either the aggregate amount of severance, privilege, ad valorem or similar tax in effect on March 1, 1995,...
What is the tax-due date for the severance tax?
Pay the tax on or before the 25th day of the month following the month in which the taxable event occurs unless otherwise allowed by the Taxation and Revenue Department.
What is New Mexico’s sales tax rate?
The gross receipts tax rate varies throughout the state. Click on the link below to find the rate for the location you are reporting to. https://www.tax.newmexico.gov/governments/gross-receipts-location-code-and-tax-rate-map/
What is taxable?
Generally speaking, sales and leases of goods and other property, as defined in Section 7-9-3(J) NMSA 1978, are taxable. Unlike many other states, the sale and performance of most services in New Mexico are taxable in New Mexico.
What are gross receipts tax rates and how are they determined?
The gross receipts tax rate varies throughout the state from 5.125% to 8.8675%. The total rate is a combination of rates imposed by: State of New Mexico; State of New MexicoNew Mexico countiesNew Mexico municipalities.View the current Gross Receipts Tax Rate Schedule....
What is an exemption?
Exemptions from gross receipts are receipts that are not taxable and do not have to be reported. If all your receipts are exempt, you do not have to register with the Taxation and Revenue Department (TRD) for gross receipts tax purposes. However, you may have to...
What is a deduction?
A deduction from gross receipts, like an exemption, is an amount not subject to tax. Unlike an exemption, however, you must report on Form CRS-1 both the gross receipts (in Column D) and the amount of deductions you are eligible to claim against those gross receipts...
How do I get nontaxable transaction certificates (NTTCs) and Nontaxable Transaction Certificates for Out of State buyers (NTTC-OSBs)?
To obtain NTTCs, you must have a New Mexico CRS identification number, which is an 11-digit number also known as a business tax identification number. Obtain that number by submitting a completed Form ACD-31015, Application for Business Tax Identification Number . See...
Do I need to register my business?
Persons engaging in business in New Mexico must register with TRD. With few exceptions, a business must hold a Combined Reporting System (CRS) identification number, also known as a state tax identification number. CRS is TRD’s method for reporting the state’s major...
What type of ownership am I (Corporation, LLC, Individual, Partnership, etc.)?
Ownership can take one of several forms: Corporation/S-corporation with established officers (president, vice-pres, treasurer etc.); requirements include Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and a Public Regulation Commission (PRC) number for New Mexico...