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Site Policies & Accessibility
Link Policy
In the course of providing informational resources the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department may include links to external websites created and maintained by organizations other than TRD.
Policy for Links on our Pages
We may add links when we determine that they are consistent with our website’s purpose, which is to provide a public service to citizens and businesses by:
- expanding business and citizen access to government services and government information;
- offering an easy and convenient way to conduct transactions with state government online;
- improving the level of customer service you receive from state government;
- extending electronic government services to citizens of city and county government, and
- providing a comprehensive information resource about services and functions related to state government.
We may provide links to federal, state and local websites and educational institutions that offer information or services related to topics we cover on our website. At our discretion we may provide links to websites of non-profit organizations or private or commercial entities that offer information or services related to the topics on our pages and are consistent with our website’s purposes. We evaluate all requests for links to nongovernmental sites on a case-by-case basis. We determine whether the external website fits the purpose of our website, and we decide where the link is placed within our site’s content. We may remove or replace links at our discretion at any time and without notice.
Linking to Our Website
You may link to our website with the following limitations:
- You may not capture our pages within frames or present our content as your own;
- You may not state or imply that the State of New Mexico or the Taxation and Revenue Department is endorsing your product, site or services, and
We cannot guarantee reciprocal links on our website (see Linking Policy above).
Taxation and Revenue Department makes every effort to ensure accessibility for all users of the site, including compliance with the State of New Mexico’s Universal Access Design Standards and the ADA – Section 508 accessibility standards. Please notify us should you find any deviations from these standards so we can resolve the matter. For your information, the State Universal Access Design Standards may be viewed here.
Accessibility to Programs/Services
The Taxation and Revenue Department makes every effort to ensure that every person has equal access to the services, programs, and activities offered by the Department. If you feel that you have been discriminated against due to age, color, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or veteran status you may contact us at the “Contact Us” link: go to the “Subject” drop down box, select Ombudsman. Under the “Comments” box, you will need to provide specific details about the incident including the date and location, what happened and what you are requesting. You should try to be as specific as possible.
In addition, if you feel that you have been discriminated against based on a disability in the provision of services, programs, or activities offered by the Department; you may file a grievance following the procedures in the following link: TRD ADA Grievance Procedures
Please keep in mind that if you are an employee of the Department and you wish to file a complaint of discrimination in employment that you must follow Department Policy.
This Department is an equal opportunity provider.