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Director of Communications
The Office of the Director of Communications works closely with the Cabinet Secretary in developing and implementing strategies to effectively communicate the Department’s vision, goals and policies with internal and external stakeholders.
Internally, the office is tasked with informing all employees about the Department’s strategic mission and goals through a variety of communications tools, such as the TRD Today quarterly newsletter, the Department’s Intranet; email messages; press clippings, etc. The office also works with all divisions and bureaus to showcase their innovation and employees’ accomplishments.
The office is dedicated to building, nurturing and maintaining a strong communications network with external stakeholders, including the media, tax practitioners, policymakers and other state agencies.
To accomplish this goal, the director issues news releases, manages Department social media accounts and organizes news events, including press conferences. Additionally, the director handles public outreach and marketing campaigns to educate our stakeholders about tax initiatives and Motor Vehicle Division programs.
To find press releases, workshop schedules and other important and timely information, or to sign up to receive notices from the Department, see the News and Alerts section on the home page.

Bobbie Marquez
Acting Communications Director / Public Information Officer
Bobbie Marquez has been working with the Taxation and Revenue Department for over 12 years. During that time, she has worked in many different areas of the department. From processing motor vehicle records and tax returns to most recently working on regulations and providing feedback during the legislative session.
She is committed to providing information to the public in an easily accessible way. She believes in being responsive, transparent, and honest in all communication. If you have any suggestions for more effective communication, website changes, or any questions that she can assist with, please contact her.
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