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Administrative Services Division
The Administrative Services Division (ASD) provides administrative guidance, information and expertise to the Department by ensuring the Department meets legal and internal administrative requirements.
The Division achieves this objective by promoting and maintaining program quality and accountability and through the collaborative work among its five bureaus and with other Department divisions, other state agencies, the Legislature, and various other government entities.
Economic and Statistical Information Pages
Gross Receipt Taxes
Instructional Documents
Personal Income Taxes
Property Taxes

Denise A. Irion
Denise A. Irion has over 25 years of experience in accounting that includes not for profit and governmental entities. Leadership roles over the years include serving as a director, chief financial officer and business manager.
Denise provides strategic direction based on TRD’s mission and vision to improve TRD accounting processes. She holds a Bachelor’s in Accountancy, a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and an Associate of Arts Degree.
The experience Denise has gained in different industries such as health care, education and construction has proven to be valuable in her current role at TRD.
Budget Bureau
The Budget Bureau prepares, controls, monitors and analyzes the operating budget and the budget request for the Department in accordance with the General Appropriation Act and the Accountability in Government Act. The Budget Bureau also compiles and prepares the Department’s Capital Improvement Plan, reporting on performance measures, and other reporting as required by law.
Financial Distribution Bureau
The Financial Distribution Bureau (FDB) performs three main functions: 1) reconcile subsidiary ledgers to the General Ledger to account for more than $16 billion dollars in collected revenues; 2) verify and certify the monthly distribution of revenues to local government, state agencies and tribal governments 3) monitor, oversee, and report on fiduciary funds to support the annual financial audit and to inform numerous stakeholders in state government.
The FDB performs these accounting and oversight functions so the public and its elected officials are assured that taxpayer money is accounted for and distributed in accordance with state laws and regulations, including rules promulgated by the Office of the State Auditor and the Department of Finance Administration, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and the pronouncements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
The main distribution is called the Monthly Business Tax Distribution, which is reported via the web in the Report 500 (RP500).
Monthly Business Tax Distribution Report RP500
Monthly Combined Fuel Tax (CFT)
Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees
Oil Natural Gas and Mineral Extraction Taxes
Other Taxes
CRS Historical Monthly Summary Report
Frequently Asked Questions about the CRS distribution
Financial Services Bureau
The Financial Services Bureau (FSB) ensures that the Department complies with all Department of Finance and Administration rules and regulations regarding expenditures, and accountability of funds. The bureau is responsible for accounts payable, procurement, capital assets, monitoring federal grant funding and the coordination and preparation of the annual audit and financial statements.
Department of Finance and Administration
Audited financial statements
General Services Bureau
Bureau Chief Amanda Maez
(505) 660-6227
The General Services Bureau (GSB) supports the Department by creating, procuring, managing, and delivering tax, driver, and vehicle forms and license plates for tax and motor vehicle offices statewide. GSB is also responsible for the inventory of the forms, managing supplies for the Department, coordinating fixed asset and computer inventories and coordinating all telecommunications for the Department.
Human Resources Bureau
Bureau Chief Max Rodriguez
(505) 660-6911
The Human Resources Bureau (HRB) plays an important role in building and maintaining agency culture. HRB works with TRD divisions to recruit, hire, onboard and retain a skilled and diverse workforce. HRB assists TRD divisions through the State Personnel Office with job classification and compensation.
HRB also serves as the intake point for all employee-related issues and concerns, including employee and labor relations, employee benefits, payroll administration, and conflict resolution. All human rights (governed by the EEOC and Human Rights Commission) complaints are also funneled through HRB.
HRB ensures that TRD is in compliance with state and federal regulations and statutes by collaborating with management and labor to create, update and, implement employee policies and procedures.
HRB also includes Training Services, which provides robust learning, mentoring and training programs resulting in professional, well-trained employees who contribute to the quality of services provided by the Department.